Counselor Education

Financial Assistance

Cost of Tuition

The 足彩平台 Master’s Degree in Counseling is one of the most cost effective graduate programs in the state. The following are resources to help calculate the possible cost of tuition:

Scholarships & Awards

Excellence Awards for out of state applicants

Excellence Awards are designed specifically for individuals who apply to our program from out of state and offer an out of state tuition remission. Applicants are considered for this award at the time of admission.

Lefler Guidance & Counseling Scholarship 

This scholarship is awarded to a current graduate student enrolled in the counseling program.  Other eligibility requirements include completion of 12 credits within the program and Review of Progress, at the time of application.  Application due date varies each year. To access more information, visit the 足彩平台 scholarship application site

Intentional Acts of Kindness

The Intentional Acts of Kindness Scholarship was created to recognize UWW Counseling Graduate students who are doing good work and deeds through service and volunteer involvement within their communities.  Application due date varies each year.

Master of Counseling Internship Award

This scholarship is awarded to a currently enrolled graduate student in the counseling program who has completed their practicum, maintained an overall academic GPA of 3.0, and are scheduled to begin their professional counseling internship in the next academic year. Established in 2013 by the College in conjunction with individual gifts from alumni, emeriti and friends. 

Beverly Ann Shilts Memorial Counseling Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to a student currently enrolled in the Master of Counseling program who is entering her/his final internship preparation. Additional requirements include submitting one letter of recommendation from a faculty member discussing the potential for success as a counselor. It was established by alumnus Guy W. Shilts Jr, to honor the memory of his wife Beverly Ann.

Graduate Assistantships

Becoming a graduate assistant provides a great opportunity to gain experience in a higher education setting. You can find more information on the application process on the Graduate Assistant page.